Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Quiet Minds quote

“Quiet minds cannot be perplexed or frightened, but go on in fortune or misfortune at their own private pace, like a clock during a thunderstorm.”

-- Robert Louis StevensonAn Inland Voyage

Thank you, Gretchen Rubin. Great quote for the day. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Thursday, February 9, 2017

My Notes from the Bb Webinar on Cheating

The Bb webinar today had some good points, so I thought I would share my notes.

Notes from the Bb Webinar on Cheating from today:

The hosts of the webinar were winners of the Bb exemplary courses.

The hosts call their school’s “master courses” - RTT "Ready to Teach" courses

The hosts create videos of answers to problems people ask them.
Where can people view the What's Your Problem? episodes?

Their Twitter handle is: @ItsProblemTime

Audience question: How do you handle sites like "Course Hero" where they pay students for papers and other elements associated with online courses?
Excellent question. In our opinion, this issue is better handled at the institutional level and we're focusing on individual course design.
However, we'll plan on talking a bit about those types sites at the end.

Suggestion: Have them sign the Honor code at the beginning of the test.

Audience question: please tell us where we can read the study on cheating/plagiarism
The study is "Cheating in the Digital Age: Do Students Cheat More in Online Courses?" George Watson and James Sottile from Marshall University.

The study is "Cheating in the Digital Age: Do Students Cheat More in Online Courses?" George Watson and James Sottile from Marshall University.

mm- I believe this is it: http://mds.marshall.edu/eft_faculty/1/

Here is the link to our online BITS Community: https://community.blackboard.com/groups/higheredbits



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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Back To School!

I love Back to School time. I love the way the school year has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Realizing this was what helped me to figure out that I wanted to work in academia, although I didn't know exactly how that would look back when I started out.

Mr. Goodrich's 8th Grade Homeroom, 1979-80
Ross Road Elementary School
Memphis, Tn
I remember when it meant new clothes, new supplies (two boxes of tissues, anyone?), and a new homeroom teacher. It also brought a little bit of dread, just knowing the summer freedoms were over and it was time to get back to the old alarm clock schedule. Early mornings have always been so hard for me!

Right now my academic life is centered around getting ready for New Faculty Orientation and several other orientations. I love meeting the new hires and helping them learn more about our campus and our students. It is a great time of year and I look forward to the rush of the new semester. This fall I will also have some new freshmen students to work with, so I am looking forward to seeing who they are and what they need from me to get fully immersed in college life.

What do you love about Back to School? What memories does it conjure up for you? Love to hear in the Comments.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Summer 2016 Reading Goals

Does writing your goals down and sharing with the internet world make you more likely to follow through? Let's find out.

Book Clubbing
Small Teaching by James M. Lang
Teaching Unprepared Students by Kathleen Gabriel

The Books I Keep Seeing and Need to Check Out
What The Best College Teachers Do by Ken Bain

Currently Reading
Teaching At Its Best by Linda B. Nilson
---She has another book called The Graphic Syllabus, which seems insanely good and I must look at it!